
Multiplatform Libraries Architecture

Kotlin Brilliant Architectural Idea for Multiplatform Libraries

Multiplatform Application Development

Flutter and React Native offer attractive solutions for multiplatform application development. The appeal lies in having a single codebase for the user interface, which reduces development time and costs. That is what Compose Multiplatform aims to achieve: Sharing 100% of the code.

However, imagine we’re trying to build a CLI package manager that will work on all platforms: Windows, Debian, Archlinux etc., while keeping compatibility with original package managers.
We would NOT want to have a single codebase. Having platform-specific code is necessary to wrap around existing package managers: apt on Debian-based distros, pacman on Archlinux-based distros and winget on Windows.

Traditional Approach

Conditional compilation

A traditional approach to developing platform-specific code involves the use of conditional compilation, using preprocessor directives. This method allows the compilation of code segments based on the target platform.

Consider the following C++ example:

#ifdef WINDOWS
std::cout << "This is Windows." << std::endl;
#elif defined(DEBIAN)
std::cout << "This is Debian Linux." << std::endl;
#elif defined(ARCHLINUX)
std::cout << "This is Arch Linux." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Unknown platform." << std::endl;

Runtime checks

In languages lacking a preprocessor for direct conditional compilation, it’s required to implement platform detection at runtime. Here’s a JavaScript example:

const textValue = Platform.select({
  ios: () => 'this is an iOS device',
  android: () => 'this is an Android device',
  default: () => 'this is not an iOS or Android device',

Shared library

For applications requiring extensive cross-platform compatibility, a strategic approach involves the development around a shared core library. This shared component contains common functionality, whereas platform-specific adaptations are managed within sub-applications.

However, the shared library itself remains devoid of platform-dependent code, ensuring its universal applicability across different environments. Electron uses a similar architecture.

Here’s a sample directory structure for such projects:

|-- shared
|   |-- src
|       |-- main  // Code that will work everywhere
|-- debian-app
|   |-- src
|       |-- main  // Debian-specific code
|-- arch-app
|   |-- src
|       |-- main  // Archlinux-specific code
|-- windows-app
    |-- src
        |-- main  // Windows-specific code

Kotlin Multiplatform Brilliant Idea

Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) enables the creation of shared libraries that can contain code specific to each platform by using the expect/actual keywords. This allows any expect declaration to be matched with the corresponding actual implementation, depending on the target platform specified during compilation.

Expect / Actual class

This brilliant architectural idea can save your team plenty of time by cutting down on boilerplate code, making it easier to maintain, and providing more flexibility and control over the platform-specific code.

Let’s look at an example of a multiplatform PackageManager singleton for Debian and Archlinux:

// Common module @ commonMain/package/PackageManager.kt
expect class PackageManager {
    fun install(packageName: String): Boolean
    fun uninstall(packageName: String): Boolean

// Debian module @ debianMain/package/PackageManager.debian.kt
actual class PackageManager {
    actual fun install(packageName: String): Boolean {
        // Implementation using 'apt'

    actual fun uninstall(packageName: String): Boolean {
        // Implementation using 'apt'

// Archlinux module @ archMain/package/PackageManager.arch.kt
actual class PackageManager {
    actual fun install(packageName: String): Boolean {
        // Implementation using 'pacman'

    actual fun uninstall(packageName: String): Boolean {
        // Implementation using 'pacman'

This approach not only allows for leveraging platform-specific functionalities but also maintains a clean and unified code structure. Developers can easily extend support to additional platforms without altering the shared codebase.

Here’s a suggested project structure for this KMP setup:

|-- build.gradle.kts
|-- settings.gradle.kts
|-- shared
|   |-- build.gradle.kts // Sub-project: KMP Library
|   |-- src
|       |-- commonMain   // Agnostic code & expected declarations 
|       |-- archMain     // Archlinux actual implementations
|       |-- debianMain   // Debian actual implementations
|       |-- windowsMain  // Windows actual implementations
|-- linux-app
|   |-- build.gradle.kts // Sub-project: Linux sub-application
|   |-- src
|       |-- main         // Use commonMain, debianMain & archMain
|-- windows-app
    |-- build.gradle.kts // Sub-project: Windows sub-application
    |-- src
        |-- main         // Use commonMain & windowsMain

It is even possible to make the Linux implementation more generic by creating a linuxMain source directory that contains all the implementations specific to various Linux distributions.

Expect / Actual class

KMP elevates the concept of cross-platform development by introducing a hierarchical structure of source sets.
Developers can effortlessly navigate through the codebase, identifying shared functionality and platform-specific implementations at a glance.

Real World Example

Let’s create a startup!

This powerful approach could be used - as example - for payment terminals. Let’s create a new startup that provides and maintain KMP libraries, enabling developers to maintain a single codebase for their applications. This solution will support multiple vendors, including Ingenico, Pax, Verifone, among others, and accommodate different models of their terminals.
This approach streamlines development, saving teams time and, consequently, money by simplifying the integration process with various terminal models. Who would say no to such simplification?

True Multiplatform UIs

The primary challenge in cross-platform programming is the restricted support for UIs. While React, Flutter or Multiplatform Compose offers a solution for supporting different platforms, it does not allow for the creation of custom UIs backends. This becomes a problem when developing for niche devices, like Tetra, a Linux device that only supports Qt for its UI. Current UI frameworks do not permit the customization or creation of new widgets tailored for specific rendering engines.

Redwood by Cash App aims to solve this problem.